How to Choose a College Major?

Take This TCT Class! College Majors

College Majors Class

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In The College Tour’s College Majors Class, we dive deeper into the vast areas of study at colleges and universities across the country. Learn how to choose a major that will set you on a direct path towards success. This is a great class to both learn about college majors, as well as potential careers you may be interested in. When finished with your class, please enter your email address where we will send you your answers and a certificate of completion. You will have the ability to also share your answers with your teacher, counselor, or parents. Click play below to start class now!


Welcome, everyone, to The College Tour’s class on how to begin thinking about your College Major. Our goal for this class is to help you start ‘thinking’ about what you may want to do with your life and in turn, what major might be right for you in college. Finding your passion, your purpose, and your path in life is one of the greatest gifts anyone can give to themselves. Some of you may know exactly what you want to do with your life, like being a nurse, engineer, entrepreneur or maybe a chef. But most of you probably don’t know. This is absolutely normal and 100% OK. I’m going to let you in on a little secret: many adults, when they were your age, had no idea what they wanted to ‘major in’ or what they wanted to do for a job when they grew up. So that is what we are going to tackle in this class! Let’s start thinking about the things we like to do, the things we are good at, and watch some videos of real college students talking about their majors in college… all so that YOU can start thinking about what major might be right for you… and what job and career path gets you excited. Sound good? OK… I’ll see you in the next video to get started.

After watching the video above, click Next below to continue.

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