Tier One Research

Segment #5 from University of North Texas


Up next is Dr. Ana Alonso, faculty member in the Department of Biological Science. She’s gonna give us a look at the 22 research centers and institutes at UNT and how UNT faculty work with students to collaborate on breakthrough research. Dr. Alonso, please take it away.

– Thanks Alex, hi everyone. UNT is a T1 public research institution where world-renowned faculty members, who are experts in their fields are heavily involved in scientific research. And there are many opportunities for you to be part of it all. There is a vibrant research culture here at UNT as part of our 22 research centers and institutes. We are four institutes of research excellence that tackle global challenges related to health, food security, energy security, environment, and many more. Another one of my roles is associate director of the Bio-discovery Institute, where I explore my passion for plant biochemistry. Plants are extraordinary biochemical factories, that produce a lot of molecules we are using in our everyday life like food, biofuels and medicinal compounds. In UNT state of the art labs my research group is working on alternative crops. These plants considered as weeds for a long time are now generating a lot of interest because they produce a type of oil in their seeds that you suitable for many industrial applications. These alternative crops require low agricultural input. Do not compete in the field with all the important food crops and have the potential to replace many of the petrochemicals that we are currently using. I collaborate with other researchers at UNT across the US and abroad. Most importantly, we opened the doors of our laboratories to you, our undergrad students. So you can get hands-on experience in our ongoing research projects. Think about UNT as a nest of Mean Green Eagles. When you join UNT for your studies, the caring faculty members take you under their wings. They feed you with knowledge. They share with you the most recent techniques and findings. And then when you graduate from UNT, you extend your own wings. You fly away from the nest stronger to achieve your career goals. Up to you, Alex.

– Dr. Alonso, the work you’re doing is absolutely mind blowing. I love that you include your students in your research, so they get experiential learning. I can see that UNT faculty have a special bond with their students, and that is awesome. Thanks again, Dr. Alonso, take care.

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