Student Support with Vheena

Segment #8 from Eastern Michigan University


All right, folks, let’s turn our attention to Vheena. She’s not just a graduate student, but an academic advisor for exploratory students here at Eastern Michigan University. Today, she’s diving into how EMU supports its students, from dedicated faculty and staff to vital services like the Holman Success Center and the on-campus food bank. Vheena, please enlighten us.

– Thanks, Alex. From the second I first stepped onto the Eastern Michigan University campus, I knew that I found a place that I could call home. As a first generation student, I wanted to take advantage of every resource, and luckily, EMU made it easy for me to find student support on campus from day one. I worked as a campus tour guide as an undergrad where I learned far more than public speaking and backward walking. Working on campus built my confidence, my network, and my love for higher education. I enjoyed working with students every single day and helping them find their fit. EMU is the reason that I found my future career. When I first started college, I was still figuring it all out. As a student affairs professional, my top priority is connecting students to campus resources. Now I help our exploratory students find their path the same way I did. Being an academic advisor allows me to have those light bulb conversations with my students. With lifetime resources like our university advising and Career Development Center, EMU students are constantly connected to career and alumni networks. During my time here, I’ve found that the EMU community is incredibly special. The students, faculty, and staff truly care about one another. For example, our Swoop’s Pantry started as a student-led initiative and has since grown to have its own space that serves the entire community. I wouldn’t be anywhere without the support of EMU’s faculty, staff, and resources. I’ve gained so much from these resources and I can’t wait to provide the same kind of support to students as a student affairs professional. I am endlessly proud to call myself an Eastern Eagle. Back to you, Alex.

– Thank you, Vheena, for sharing your journey from campus tour guide to academic advisor. Your passion for higher education and dedication to helping students find their path shine through. EMU’s commitment to student success is evident in your story, and your impact on your community is immeasurable. Keep illuminating those light bulb moments, Vheena. That was awesome.

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