Student Life

Segment #8 from New York Film Academy


Juniel, a student at NYFA New York from Puerto Rico, found community by becoming a student ambassador. The ambassador program at NYFA serves two main purposes, to support a vibrant student life program and provide opportunities for the ambassadors to hone their leadership skills, which can ultimately help them in their careers. Tell us more.

– Hola, Alex. I grew up in Puerto Rico. My mother, a writer, always encouraged the arts. She would take me to poetry bars to perform from her published works. After our family moved to Texas, I took a chance and joined a dance and theater group. It was a huge creative outlet for me. This helped me realize that I wanted to sharpen my skills by returning to school. After moving to New York City and enrolling at NYFA, I found myself craving community, so our student life department helped me form a dance club. Our club collaborated with student filmmakers to create music videos, which was such a great way to release stress after moving to a new city. While studying at NYFA, I became a student ambassador to encourage other students to create new clubs. I’ve worked with peers to hold information sessions and help students from all disciplines to meet each other based on their common interests and passions. I’m proud to say that at the New York City campus, there are five new active clubs that didn’t exist last year. Part of my duties as a student ambassador involve producing fun student events like the speed networking event or a recent masquerade ball. Chinwe, my fellow student ambassador, and I were so determined to make the masquerade ball a unique and fun experience for all, and it was a success. Following my path at NYFA, I intend to write, act, dance, and share my stories through art. After starting the dance club, I founded the NYFA comedy club, which can reroute my path somewhere new. I’m excited for what comes next. That’s my story. Back to you, Alex.

– Thank you, Juniel. Student life is one of the most exciting parts of being at NYFA with a range of student clubs, networking events, and guest speakers to get students involved. Off campus, there’s plenty more to explore, as NYFA has campuses in the best cities for film, media, and entertainment.

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