Student Leadership and Support

Segment #2 from Western New England University


All right, let’s head over and meet Patrick to learn all about student leadership and support hailing from Thomaston, Connecticut, Patrick is using what he learns in his political science major to not only be an active member on the student senate, but to support first year students as a peer advisor. Patrick, please take it away.


– Thanks for that introduction, Alex. Hey, everyone. Are you a little bit anxious about heading to college for the first time? Well, you are not alone. But don’t worry, you’ve got this, because we’ve got you. Western New England is completely dedicated to supporting every student from the first day that they set foot on campus. We have intentionally created a network of support to connect you to the people and resources that can help you be successful. From peer advising and student activities to the Caprio Alumni Healthful Living Center, and the Center for Health and Wellness, which is one of the most comprehensive facilities of its kind in the region, we believe that wellness is the full integration of physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. As a peer advisor or PA on campus, the most important and enjoyable aspect of my role is to help students navigate academic courses, identify campus resources, form social relationships, and find that perfect balance between classes, career development, and personal wellbeing. Throughout my time here so far, engaging my community and learning from others has helped me discover who I am and what I can bring to the table. As a political science major, I’ve been able to apply my interest in politics, in government into our student government activities here. I am a proud elected member of the student Senate and learning to collaborate with others, advocate for the student body and implement campus-wide programming and activities continues to influence my understanding of the real world issues discussed in my political science classes. Western New England support system has laid the foundation here for my success on campus and beyond. Our open and welcoming community has allowed me to break outta my comfort zone, discover my talents, help students grow academically, socially, and personally, and create memorable experiences and friendships. That’s all from me, back to you, Alex.


– Wow, Patrick, you are an incredible student leader and I’m sure new students are so happy to see your friendly face. WNE offers unparalleled support and unique opportunities to grow and learn, and we all can’t wait to see what you do next. Take care, Patrick.

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