Research with Olivia

Segment #19 from Midwestern University


As a Third-year Veterinary Medicine student, Olivia is all about the research. At Midwestern University, research is a vital ingredient in creating new knowledge and fostering a passion for lifelong learning. Olivia has attended many conferences and thrives in the research aspect of her education as a future veterinarian. Olivia, it is all you. Take it away.

– Thanks for that introduction, Alex. My childhood dream was clear, become a veterinarian. It all began with Jazzy B, my chubby beagle companion since the first grade, who ignited my passion, which led me to Midwestern University for its focus on graduate healthcare degrees. Despite our very disciplines, I’ve connected with students who share a commitment to One Health. Through collaboration efforts, we practice medicine that acknowledges the interconnectedness of human, animal and environmental health. Midwestern’s dedication to fostering a community united and advancing one health principles offers not only a premier education, but also a network of like-minded individuals. Midwestern provides extensive hands-on clinical experience preparing us for our future professions, while also fostering a healthy work-life balance. Additionally, the university offers abundant opportunities for students to engage in research initiatives. Under the mentorship of experience in esteemed faculty members, students receive guidance and support throughout their research journey. I conducted research on chlamydia pathogenesis facilitated by the summer research program within the College of Veterinary Medicine. Midwestern sponsors students, including myself, to present our findings at the National Veterinary Scholar Symposium in San Juan Puerto Rico. Attending the research conference was an enriching experience where I gained valuable insights on upcoming veterinary research and forged connections with students across the country. It also reinforced the importance of collaboration in interdisciplinary approaches in addressing medical issues. Midwestern’s, investment in research and its commitment to holistic education have been invaluable. I’m grateful for all the experiences and knowledge I’ve gained while at MWU. To me, a college education transcends job skills. It’s about embracing curiosity, making discoveries, and driving innovation in medicine. This philosophy guides me as I aim to contribute meaningfully to the healthcare field. Back to you, Alex.

– Such a great story, Olivia, way to go by making the most out of your educational opportunities. MWU takes their social responsibility as an institution of higher education seriously and supports students’ research and innovative discoveries. Thanks again for sharing, Olivia, that was awesome.

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