New York City & Beyond: The First-Gen Experience with Jose

Segment #4 from Drew University


Joining us to share his experience as a First-generation college student is Jose, an Economics major, minoring in Computer Science, Statistics and Writing Communications. Wow. Like many students at Drew, he takes advantage of being right outside New York City to advance his career opportunities. Let’s hear it, Jose.

– Thanks, Alex. Being born and raised in a Hispanic immigrant family, I’ve faced a lot of pressures and challenges. During my time at Drew University, I’ve experienced the benefits of mentorship, community and career development to help maximize my potential. Ensuring all students feel well equipped to take on their education and develop their careers is a priority at Drew. As a first generation college student, this is reassuring because I know I have a support system dedicated to helping students like me make the most of their education. One of the ways Drew provides this is through special academic programs like the Educational Opportunity Fund. Students in this program receive one-on-one mentorship and support, and they also obtain the physical resources and materials they may need. As a commuter student, being a member of this club and the current president is important to me because it’s one of the many ways I get to be involved on campus and represent my community. Career development has also been an important part of my journey and Drew’s New York semester programs play a big part in making students feel ready for a career. With seven different programs, including things like social impact, theater, and Wall Street, students can expand their classroom education by connecting with and learning from industry professionals and get a glance at what to expect from their future careers. The relentless support I received at Drew has prepared me for my internship at a financial services firm in New York City this summer. But don’t just take it from me, you can experience these amazing opportunities yourself here at Drew. But first, I’ll pass it back to you, Alex.

– Thank you for sharing your story, Jose. You are clearly taking advantage of all that Drew offers. From studying and interning in New York City, to developing your leadership skills, to making lifelong connections, all to set you up for a bright future. Take care, Jose.

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