Mentorship and Research with Tiffany

Segment #1 from Midwestern University


Wait until you see what is in store for you here at their Illinois campus. Let’s hear from Tiffany, a Second-year Osteopathic Medicine student who takes mentorship very seriously. As part of Midwestern University’s Health Careers Institute, Tiffany helps mentor local high school students by showing them all types of healthcare careers they can pursue. Doing research, getting published and mentoring, it’s all in a day’s work for Tiffany. Tiffany, take us through your story.

– Thank you, Alex, and hi everyone. Growing up as a plumber’s daughter, I never anticipated enrolling in medical school or being the first doctor in my family. When I finally figured my career path out, I knew I wanted to stay close to both my hometown and be near the best city, Chicago. Finding the best medical school for me meant discovering an institution that would both challenge and prepare me to be the most competitive applicant I can be for residency. I always had Midwestern University on my radar through working directly with Midwestern alumni in emergency rooms during college, but the welcoming and encouraging atmosphere on campus really sealed the deal for me. At Midwestern University, I flourish both academically and through leadership. Through being an osteopathic medical student, I’ve been able to represent our profession at Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. Homing in on the resources here at Midwestern, they have opened up doors I never knew existed. I’ve had so many great opportunities here thanks to the networking at Midwestern with Chicago Land Alumni, and I’ve accomplished so much from my time volunteering at Almost Home Kids to taking on leadership roles such as mentoring during the Health Careers Institute and being on our chapter Student Osteopathic Medical Association or SOMA Board of Directors. I never would’ve imagined being able to say that I helped write a chapter for a dermatology textbook, nor did I expect to be embarking on cardiology research centered on analyzing the treatment of various arrhythmias. Thinking back to when I put on my white coat for the first time, I’m in awe of how much I have achieved within my first two years. Not only am I learning to be an osteopathic physician, but at Midwestern University, I’ve been able to grow in more ways than I ever dreamed. For the research isn’t gonna write itself and I gotta run, so I’m sending it back to you, Alex.

– Thank you for sharing your story, Tiffany. Through Midwestern’s Health Careers Institute, this university is inspiring future healthcare professionals. Having mentors like you, Tiffany will certainly make a difference to so many high schoolers thinking about careers in healthcare. Keep doing what you do.

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