Life Outside the Classroom

Segment #9 from Roger Williams University


Let’s head over to Megan, a senior who takes getting involved to a whole new level. Roger Williams University takes pride in creating students who are leaders in and outside of the classroom. With more than 80 clubs and organizations it’s easy for students to get involved and make a difference on campus. Take it away, Megan.


– Thanks, Alex. When I started looking for colleges I didn’t know what I wanted to study, who I wanted to be or where I wanted to go. There is one thing I knew for certain. I wanted to push my boundaries and grow as a person. Before college, I stayed in my comfort zone and I didn’t have much confidence in my abilities. Adding to that, I live with a chronic illness so I always thought that this would hold me back. With Roger’s student accessibility services I was able to have accommodations that helped me manage my health and wellbeing. Because I had this foundation of support I felt comfortable enough in my abilities to challenge my comfort zone. I applied to leadership positions and became an admissions ambassador and an orientation advisor and a peer mentor. In these different positions, I work with prospective students and families, incoming students and current freshmen through their transition from high school to college. Last year I was on the executive board for the Campus Entertainment Network. I got to take on a larger role in my community and try my hand at programming and creating events. This year, I’m the secretary of the class of 2023 on the Interclass Council. I help to plan events, fundraisers and a commencement ball for the senior class. Additionally, dance has been a passion of mine since I was three years old. I started choreographing my own pieces in the dance club, something I never thought I would be able to do. With over 80 clubs and organizations here on campus you can explore old interests of yours and even find new ones. Clubs vary in interest of social, cultural, academic, and volunteer-based. In my senior year at RWU, I can confidently say that I have grown into someone that I’m very proud of. I know that I’m prepared and ready for what comes after I leave the nest. Thank you for listening. Back to you, Alex.

– Wow, Megan, way to make the most of your college experience. Thank you for sharing your story. 

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