It Takes “The Village”

Segment #10 from Cerritos College


Our next student comes all the way from Peru. Meet Yolanda. She found her way to Cerritos College to study in the dual enrollment program, earning college credit while she was in high school. Now she’s studying biomedical engineering and is on her way to graduating earlier than expected. You’re up, Yolanda.


– Thank you for the introduction, Alex. Hi, everyone. I moved from Peru to the US because I wanted to make a better life for me and my family. I was terrified when I came here because I didn’t know who I would be staying with and I didn’t know how to speak English. Over time, I was able to get out of my shell and feel more comfortable. In high school, I learned I could earn college credit at Cerritos College through the dual enrollment program I began taking my general education classes online. While it was a bit awkward because of the pandemic, I went to the college library to stay connected and get the best out of my experience. I’m happy to say that when I graduated, I finished two semesters of college classes, which gave me the opportunity to transfer in less time. While taking part in the dual enrollment program, I faced some housing challenges, which led me to move out of state to New Mexico. I later found community housing through The Village a few blocks away from campus. I was also able to get food, hygiene products, and laundry carts through the Falcon’s Nest. With everything going on, I was looking for an activity where I could de-stress. I wanted a hands-on experience where I could build something that I could hold with my hands. Luckily, I found that in the woodworking department. It’s so gratifying to see how to transform a rough wood into a piece of art. Forming connections with staff and faculty at Cerritos College was invaluable. From directing me to the Falcon’s Nest to helping me enroll in my classes, they listened to me and gave me the tools to succeed. In my final year, I’ve been able to focus on my studies without worry. I’m happy to say that I’m transferring to UC Irvine as a biomedical engineering student. With the support from Cerritos College, I was able to pursue my dreams and passions. My dream got started here. I can’t wait to see how yours starts. Back to you, Alex.


– Thanks, Yolanda. There’s a lot of great things happening at Cerritos and it sounds like you took advantage of all the resources that were available, from the Falcon’s Nest to The Village, these programs are gonna help you transfer to UC Irvine Best of luck to you.

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