Innovation and Technology with Katie

Segment #9 from Midwestern University


Let’s hear from Katie. As a future third-generation dentist, Katie has some big shoes to fill. Her family knows the true value of a Dental Medicine education and looked for a school like Midwestern University that offered all the latest technology for her to attend. Katie, take it away.

– Thanks about introduction, Alex. Some might say a love for teeth runs in my veins as I’m a soon to be third generation dentist, but guess what? Dental school in the entire dental field has changed a lot since my grandpa graduated back in 1964 and my dad back in 2001. From paper to electronic charts in the entire introduction of digital dentistry, Midwestern has strived to stay up to date with the latest technology and best ways to provide care to their patients while preparing their students to enter the profession. Digital charts are just the tip of the iceberg here at Midwestern. This year we upgraded to Epic a healthcare software system that allows us to integrate with other medical providers and communicate easily with patients on the same platform. We also have embraced the digital dentistry wave with the CEREC scanner. This allows us to scan intraorally, take that scan, design and mill a crown all in the same day. Getting to work with this real world technology on a day-to-day basis is just one example of how Midwestern prepares their students for a real world healthcare career. This is all during our third and fourth years. While we’re working at the Midwestern University Multi-Specialty Clinic. During our first and second years, students are exposed to things like 3D printers and working with lasers. This technological exposure at Midwestern doesn’t stop at the curriculum. There are many research opportunities that can tap into students’ curiosity. Technology might always be changing, but if there’s one thing that stays true in dentistry is it’s not about the cool gadgets. What I’ve learned from my grandfather, father and here at Midwestern is that dentistry is about putting the patient first. That’s my story, Alex. Back to you.

– Thanks for sharing your story, Katie. With access to the most cutting-edge technology and the guidance of experienced clinical faculty here at Midwestern, we are sure you are going to continue in a long line of dentists in your family. Thanks, Katie.

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