Health and Human Sciences

Segment #4 from The University of Akron


Next we’ll hear from Drew, an exercise science major who came to Akron from out of state. He’ll share how he knew that Akron’s College of Health and Human Sciences was the right place for him to study and gain experience in his undergraduate major before heading to grad school for his doctorate in physical therapy. Drew, you are on.


– Thanks Alex. What’s up everyone? I knew from the beginning of my time in high school that I wanted to leave my home state of New York when it came to attending college and the most important thing for me was finding a campus that feels more like a family than anything else. I found everything that I was looking for here at the University of Akron. The location is unlike anywhere else for health science students. This area provides us connections to the Cleveland Clinic, Summa Health System, and tons of independent practices that you will have the opportunity to take a practicum or shadowing a rotation in. I personally work as a physical therapist aid at a nearby outpatient clinic. I got this opportunity strictly through a reference that one of my professors made. The professors here will not only help you learn in the classroom, they will connect you with great internships, co-ops, and job opportunities with many employers who hire Akron graduates. I am heading to grad school next year to pursue a doctorate in physical therapy. The career services that Akron provides to its students in preparing them to apply and attend graduate school are unmatched. And for those entering their fields, the extensive alumni base will make it easier than ever to find jobs. The location, knowledgeable faculty, and overall support that the university gives truly sets each and every student up to thrive in the post university world. I came here to the University of Akron to learn about the world of exercise science. I was successful in doing that here and on top of that, gain the connections to experience that world as a student firsthand. That’s all I got for you guys today. Take it away. A-man.


– Thanks D-man, it’s great to hear that you were able to discover everything you were looking for at Akron. Finding the right college for yourself is a big, big deal and thank you for reminding us that stepping out of your comfort zone can lead to great rewards.

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