Family Makes Cerritos a Home

Segment #1 from Cerritos College


Okay, everyone, meet Kobe, a computer science major who loves trying new food and meeting new people. Kobe’s returning to school after traveling the world. Now that he’s back in school, he has the best resource anyone could ask for. He’s on campus with his mom. Kobe, tell us your story.


– Hey. Thanks, Alex. I am an aspiring computer science major here at Cerritos College. At 22 years old, this is my first full semester. After graduating high school, I felt unsure about what I wanted to do, so I stepped away from school and instead focused on gaining life experience. I spent some time working and traveling to other countries to work with kids, but there came a point when I felt I was ready for something bigger, and that’s when Cerritos College entered my life. When I first made the decision to return to the books, I was extremely fortunate to have my mother by my side. She works at Cerritos College and did not skip a beat to answer any questions I may have had. From enrollment to meeting my career path counselor or showing me where to find the best coffee on campus, I learned that there are so many resources and opportunities available to me. My counselors and professors have gone above and beyond to make sure that I feel like I’m right where I need to be. If I had any doubt about returning to school before, it removed them. One of my favorite resources on campus is the culinary arts program. I love having the opportunity to try new foods and meet new people in this social space. Another great resource is the Success Center. As a computer science major, having a quiet and safe place to study with tutors available has been super helpful. In my time at Cerritos, I’ve learned I can’t do it alone. There have been countless individuals who have played a role in guiding me, and I know I wouldn’t be here without them. My goal is to finish the remaining semesters as strong as possible with the intention of transferring to a university to finish my bachelor’s in computer science. Thanks so much, everyone. Let me toss this back to my friend Alex.


– Kobe, thanks for sharing your experience back on campus and for showing us how easy it is to be successful at Cerritos College with all the resources it has for students. Keep up the good work, Kobe.

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