Family and Consumer Sciences

Segment #6 from Carson-Newman University


Okay, everyone next, let’s meet Taylor whose love for children led her to pursue a bachelor’s degree in child and family studies. As you will hear her explain, family and consumer sciences has five unique majors, depending on your area of interest. So let’s head over to the child development lab. Take it away. Taylor.


– Thanks Alex. Hey, y’all I’m Taylor. And when you first go off to college, it can be a little scary, but it’s important to find your home on your new campus. At Carson-Newman, I found my home through the Family and Consumer Sciences Department. One of my favorite things about this department is the community that I’ve built through my classes and labs. In fact, one of my professors always prays with us at the beginning of every class. This really means a lot, And I think shows how much professors care about us. My major includes an emphasis in early childhood education. Programs for Young Children is a course where I met many new people while experiencing the opportunity to interact with children in a preschool lab. In the Child Development Lab, students observe the physical, social, and emotional development of preschoolers. My favorite part is getting the chance to create different learning centers and activities for the kids. Other labs that give FCS students hands-on learning experiences include the Foods and Nutrition Lab in Duncan hall. I loved both of these labs because you get to learn the basics of food preparation and learn to cook great food. Also team building and time management skills are incorporated into both of these labs, which is important for any FCS major. In addition to early childhood education and foods and nutrition, FCS offers majors in interior design and fashion design. And no matter your major, you get to complete an internship course your senior year. I’m confident the FCS department is preparing me to become an amazing leader, communicator, and role model in my future career. That’s all for me. Back to you, Alex


– Taylor, I know your enthusiasm and personality will lead you to great success in your future and what a beautiful facility in which you get to learn. That was amazing. Thanks again for that.

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