Experiential Learning

Segment #5 from St. Edward's University


Next up, is Lalo, a senior majoring in Biology. He’s gonna share a little about his background and why he chose St. Edwards. And he’ll tell us about some cool neuroscience research he’s involved in with his professors and classmates, and where he’s headed after graduation. Lalo, take it away!


– Thanks, Alex. Hey everyone! I grew up in South Texas and I was raised by two first-generation Mexican-Americans. Living close to the border, I saw the healthcare disparities present in Mexico compared to the U.S. These disparities alongside my family’s experiences as migrant farm workers, gave me the desire to become an Emergency Medical Technician, to use my skills to help underserved communities. I chose St. Edward’s University because this Liberal Arts College was known for having smaller class sizes and a great teacher-to-student ratio. This allowed me to get close to my professors that were teaching my science courses and led me to be a part of a research team, which has exposed me to the side of scientific inquiry. My interest in Biology stems from a yearning to understand how the fundamentals of life came to be, from DNA to neuronal development. Having a Liberal Arts education offers crucial aspects to building strong communication skills and the ability to understand different perspectives, which is important for healthcare. The overall diversity with the students on campus has enriched my educational experience. My sophomore year, I joined Doctor Andrea Holgado’s Neuroscience Research Team, where we learned more about the model organism, Caenorhabditis elegans to study autophagy in neurons. Currently, my lab partners and I are exploring mutations, which can lead to diseases such as Alzheimer’s. This hands-on learning experience has given me the opportunity to develop presentations for the Society for Neuroscience, work with the National Science Foundation Grant, and conduct experiments involving western blotting techniques and fluorescent microscopy. Obtaining a Liberal Arts education here at St. Edward’s University has broadened my capacity for social responsibility. I’ve applied for a Fulbright Student Grant to study and teach English in another country after graduation. Upon my return, my plan is to continue with my EMT certification to gain clinical experience. That’s all for me. Back to you, Alex.


– Lalo, you’ll be a fantastic EMT and Physician Assistant. Thanks for letting us see how professors at St. Ed’s get to know their students and team up with them on amazing research. Those experiences are awesome for your future, and we’re all pulling for you to win that Fulbright Grant to teach overseas. Take care!

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