Everything is Experience

Segment #4 from Ohio University


Now we’re gonna hear from Sallu. His story really drives home how experiential learning isn’t just emphasized in Ohio University’s curriculum, but through co-curricular activities like campus organizations as well. Go Sallu.

– Hey everyone, growing up, I had one school in mine for college, and once I visited that school, I absolutely hated it. That sent me back to my drawing board. And I started my colleague search all over again. Fortunately, that worked out for the best, because it led me here, to Ohio University. Coming to a new school for orientation can be a very scary thing. One thing that stuck out to me during my orientation was the idea of a Bobcat family. The faculty make intentional connections with the students here, we’re not just numbers. As a pre-med student, I’ve been able to connect with fellow students and faculty in my program, and those at Ohio University’s Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine. These connections also gave me access to a mentorship program that feels special and I know will further my career. There’s no shortage of organizations to join on campus. For me, that includes the Microbiology Student Organization, Student Alumni Board, The Housing and Residence Life Council and the fencing club, which was advised by my physics professor. These are just four of the 600 plus student organizations that our campus has to offer. If you don’t end up finding the group or organization for you, make your own. No matter what you create here, you will find your people. Here at Ohio University, you have the whole community of Athens cheering you on, not just the professors from your major or your friends, but also the Athens locals, who’d love to hear about your experience. This support helped me choose the right medical school and a career path. That’s it for me, let’s throw it back to you, Alex.

– Thank you Sallu, you’re not alone. So many students may have a college in their mind, only to visit and realize it’s not the perfect fit. From faculty who support you, to mentors in your field and student organizations, Ohio ensured you made connections that count and that’s awesome. Take care.

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