Environmental Studies with Ashanti

Segment #8 from UMass Boston


Let’s hear from Ashanti, a sophomore majoring in environmental studies and sustainability with minors in philosophy and clean energy, hailing from Hartford, Connecticut, Ashanti brings a unique perspective to research that could improve our environment with the kind of dedication that sets UMass Boston apart. Tell us more, Ashanti.

– Thanks Alex, hi, everyone. Finding the right university boiled down to three pillars, location, size, and program. UMass Boston fit all three criteria. It’s right in the goldilock zone of being neither too big nor too small. The location is perfect. After a fun night out downtown, you can snuggle right back into your quiet home by the water and the school for the environment offered everything I was looking for. UMass Boston is the most diverse college campus in New England with more than 60% of students identifying as BIPOC. As an environmental studies student, I value this diversity. You have to hear a wide range of cultural perspectives to tackle climate equity. This is especially prevalent in my environmental justice course where we take part in hands-on discussion-based learning to gain insight on all the significant aspects that make up communities. Our living labs allow us to take our learning outside the classroom and into the real world. One of my fondest memories is taking our campus boat onto the harbor to learn about organisms that lie on the sea floor. They look pretty freaky. UMass Boston’s environmental studies and sustainability programs are known for integrating science research with policy and management approaches. Students learn about the intersectionality that lies hidden on the path to a sustainable future. As Beacons, we shine light on inequity to pave the path to a better future. I’m excited to see what the next two years have in store for me with different opportunities like my membership on UMass Boston Sustainability Committee, I’m ready to bring fresh ideas to the table with full force, bon voyage, Alex.

– Ashanti, thank you for highlighting the innovative spirit of UMass Boston. Your work toward tackling climate change is inspiring and being able to learn hands on aboard the university’s research boat. What an opportunity. We appreciate your commitment to shaping a sustainable future, thank you.

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