Embrace Our Red Hawk Spirit
Segment #9 from Montclair State University
Join me in welcoming Sean of Livingston, New Jersey, a senior theater studies major with a minor in film. Let’s just say he knows Rocky really, really well. Take it Sean.
– Hey Alex, thanks for having me. I always thought I wanted to be a film director, but Montclair State is where I truly discovered my passion for theater. Since then performance has been my life. And speaking of performances, I get the performative role of a lifetime. That’s right, I’m Montclair State’s mascot, Rocky the Red Hawk. My journey to becoming the mascot all started in my freshman year of college, where I had the crazy idea to go around campus and interact with students while wearing an inflatable T-Rex costume. My friends and I called him Terry, and even set up an Instagram for him. Well it didn’t really work out because of our conflicting schedules. My RA at the time thought what I was doing was hilarious. So he suggested that I try out to be the mascot. I called him crazy, but did it anyway. And now here we are two and a half years later. Rocky is unlike other mascots because he doesn’t just show up to sports games. Rocky could be found around campus almost any day for almost any reason. He really is a living, breathing person, well bird, and people go nuts just to see him, or take their picture with him. On special occasions, Rocky’s family will make an appearance. He has a sister Roxy, a cousin, Ricky and uncle Roy. And of course his best friend, Terry. Being the mascot has changed me in the most indescribable way. I doubt I could have even made it through college without the incredible support of the entire team, and the awesome students whose faces light up every chance they get to see Rocky the Red Hawk. And although Rocky might be a flightless bird, let’s soar back to you, Alex.
– Thank you, Rocky or Sean, Rocky. Sean, let us in all little secret. Each year graduating members of team Rocky reveal themselves at commencement by donning Rocky’s big yellow talents or oversized sneakers, along with their caps and gowns. You gotta love these campus traditions.