Diving Into Campus Life

Segment #8 from Abilene Christian University


Alright, your residence hall is just the beginning to the social life you’ve been waiting for. Let’s meet Jared, an Education Major in his senior year from Hamlin, Texas. He made connections through the full intramural sports program at ACU and those friendships continue to shape his undergraduate experience. Jared, take it away! 

Thanks, Alex!  I always knew I wanted to be a Wildcat, and I haven’t looked back. During my time here, I have developed close friendships and had unforgettable experiences. I’ve loved every minute of college, especially since I plugged into ACU’s student life!  Though I knew I was coming to ACU, I didn’t know anyone else when I got here. It turns out there are lots of ways to get connected that we learn about during Wildcat Week. I found my connections in my major and began making friends that pushed me out of my comfort zone. I even signed up for intramural football. It has been one of the best decisions in my undergraduate experience, because I have made so many amazing friends! We’ve attended church camp together, taken trips to their hometowns, celebrated birthdays, and so much more! There’s more to intramurals than football – in addition to all of the classic sports, we also have esports, dodgeball and swimming competitions, just to name a few. With over 100 student organizations on campus, there’s opportunities for everyone to be involved somewhere. And CAB is always doing something around campus to keep us living in the moment and enjoying life as a student body. ACU’s dedication to these programs shows how much our faculty and staff care about not only our academics, but also our life outside of the classroom. Student life has impacted me more than I thought it would. It has introduced me to people I might not have met otherwise and shown me how to be involved and build a supportive community of friends!  Back to you, Alex!

Thanks, Jared! I loved hearing your story about finding your place and your people on campus. The social life experiences offered at ACU really allow students to be well-rounded and get the most out of their college experience, all while forming lasting relationships. Thanks again, Jared. 

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