Cultivating Leadership
Segment #8 from University of Idaho
It’s time to meet Martha, a sophomore who always knew she was going to Idaho. She’s majoring in accounting, finance and economics, and she’s found leadership opportunities that will definitely compliment her education. Let’s find out how she’s making it all come together. You’re on, Martha.
– Hi, everyone. Growing up, I always knew that I wanted to attend the State’s Land Grant University. And now that I’m here, I can say with confidence that it’s the best decision that I could have made. The University of Idaho has given me ample opportunity to meet incredible people and drastically improve my leadership skills. There are so many ways to improve your leadership skills here at the University of Idaho. You can volunteer, join a club, captain intermural sports team, set up the concerts and events with Vandal Entertainment, or even become a resident assistant. The possibilities are endless. It’s amazing what’s out there. And coming from a small town, I knew I wanted somewhere with a strong support system. Being able to take advantage of the University of Idaho’s tight-knit community both academically and socially has been fantastic. I very seldom walk to class or the rec without seeing at least one person that I know. On campus, I’ve joined Gamma Pi Beta where I found friends that I’ll have for the rest of my life. And in my chapter, I serve on our executive council where I currently serve as financial vice president. In addition to my Greek life experience, I’m also a part of ASUI on campus, which is short for the Associated Students of the University of Idaho. I was elected as a senator and then I was later elected to be the pro tempore of the ASUI senate. The people I’ve met and the leadership experience that I’ve gained is immeasurable. After I graduate from the University of Idaho, I’d like to attend law school to practice real estate law. I’ve been a seller in real estate for about two years now and I look forward to continuing my education in that field. I feel very lucky to know that University of Idaho has given me ample connections and opportunities here to have a successful legal career. That’s my story. And back to you, Alex.
– Phenomenal, Martha. You’ve discovered leadership roles that will benefit you for the rest of your career, and I know you’re gonna make an outstanding lawyer. It’s great to know the extent of leadership opportunities at the U of I for students to foster connections and network far past the classroom. Thanks for showing us, Martha.