College of Business with Hamzah

Segment #5 from Eastern Michigan University


All the way from Jordan, let’s meet Hamzah. With a drive for ambition, Hamzah is just one of many students from EMU’s College of Business that shows that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. His work ethic within nationally and globally ranked programs at EMU’s College of Business has allowed him to build a future career on Wall Street. You are on, Hamzah.

– Thanks, Alex. Being born and raised in Jordan with a desire to come and study in the States, I knew I wanted the college education that would push me to achieve my full potential and discover new facets about myself. Luckily enough, Eastern Michigan University provided just that. The university goes above and beyond to combine programming and connections. The college of business at EMU is the perfect pit stop for some of the world’s most ambitious. Whether it be industry-seasoned professors, hands-on centric clubs and orgs, or opportunities to attend conferences across the nation, they have it all. My studies have gotten me an internship working in corporate and investment banking on Wall Street in New York this summer where I’ll be working as a deal maker for large cap companies in terms of their financing and acquisitions. EMU has prepared me for this internship and a career on Wall Street through professional development clubs that focus on careers. Some of those may include the Eagle Investment Fund and the Financial Management Association. Plus, the support I received from the career development center was a great help. I personally wanted to push my professional development and test the walls of the corporate world. My career coach at the Career Development Center has been instrumental in this endeavor. The advisors are wells of information with years of experience and deep market knowledge. I am confident that as I transition from college into my career, I’ll have a competitive edge. The university, its people and the city have a magnetic atmosphere. Our character here at Eastern Michigan is our biggest point of pride and is why we thrive no matter where we come from. Take it away, Alex.

– Thank you, Hamzah. Wow, what amazing accomplishments. Hamzah shows that EMU really helps their students achieve their goals and desires. With just a little bit of extra effort, you too can achieve it all. We are all wishing you the very best on Wall Street, Hamzah. Thanks again.

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