Campus and Community Life

Segment #4 from University of Missouri


It’s time to meet Kayla. She’s a junior here to tell us about the connections she’s made and how those connections have helped her to grow both personally and professionally. From the first moment you come to Mizzou, you’ll feel an incredible sense of community. There are hundreds of ways to meet people and find your fit on campus. Take it away, Kayla.

Thanks, Alex. Hey, everyone. I grew up in a quiet suburb of Chicago, about 45 minutes from the downtown area. I developed a love for writing at about six years old, and my passion for journalism grew in high school after doing a career exploration project. With Mizzou being one of the top journalism schools in the country, the choice was easy. Moving to a new place was an adjustment, but I love campus and my classes. While looking for ways to meet new people, a high school friend introduced me to the Black Collegiate Network where I found a group of people who looked just like me and showed me how to enjoy campus life. I found my community. My journalism professors helped by sending emails about opportunities to be involved and I discovered MUTV. I signed up and I found another group of people who were just like me. I learned how to write scripts and edit and produce videos. Now I am the president of the Black Collegiate Network and I am an entertainment editor of MUTV. There are so many ways to find your community at Mizzou. When I’m not hanging out with friends, I have an on-campus job. I am a radio co-host for KCOU, another student run organization, and I just joined the National Association for Black Journalists. How’s that for personal and professional growth? No matter who you are coming into your college experience, there are so many ways to get involved and meet new people. I met so many wonderful individuals just by joining organizations and breaking out of my shell. I really found myself and have grown so much in my time being here, and I’m not done growing yet. M-I-Z. Back to you, Alex.

 Z-O-U Kayla. With more than 31,000 students from all around the world, Mizzou posts a vibrant and thriving campus community. With a welcoming and inclusive campus culture plus hundreds of programs to help you get involved, it’s no wonder students like you love Mizzou. 

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