All Are Welcome Here with Fah

Segment #7 from Eastern Michigan University


It’s time to meet an international grad student coming all the way from Thailand. At EMU, diversity isn’t just a buzzword, it’s a colorful mosaic. With students representing 80 plus countries and 48 states, and top honors for military and LGBTQ+ inclusivity, EMU is a beacon of acceptance. Ready to delve deeper? Take it away, Fah.

– [All] 1, 2, 3!

– Thanks, Alex. Sawasdee kha. I just said hi to you in Thai! How do you feel when you go somewhere new? I’m always excited just like I was on my journey from Thailand to Eastern Michigan University. When you know that you are different, sometimes you feel disconnected or out of place, but I’ve never felt that way at EMU. I decided to get involved and make a difference here, and that led to so many amazing memories. I was the president of International Students Association during my undergrad where we hosted many incredible events on campus. Colors in Harmony, and Around the World in One Day were some of my favorite events, where students from different countries could showcase their cultures and their unique backgrounds. Our university know how to support diverse student populations. Celebrating differences definitely make us feel like we belong and bring us all together. EMU’s Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion provides support and resources tailored to different student populations, including the Center of Race and Ethnicity, LGBT Resource Center, and Women’s Resource Center. We also have living learning communities where diverse students with shared experiences can live together in the resident halls. EMU is a safe space for you to grow and shine. If I were to give advice to someone, it would be to be yourself and to place yourself in an environment where you don’t have to be shy about expressing who you truly are. And that’s all from me. Back at you, Alex.

– Thank you, Fah, for sharing your inspiring journey and the incredible work you’ve done with the International Students Association. EMU’s commitment to diversity and inclusion shines through your experiences. Let’s continue celebrating our differences, knowing that they unite us and make us stronger as a community. Well done, Fah.

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