Academic Learning Center
Segment #10 from UCNJ Union College of Union County, NJ
Let’s meet Junaid from Roselle Park, New Jersey who studied mechanical engineering at Union. Junaid plans to design vehicles, creating ideas that he believes other gear-heads will go crazy over. He’s a tutor in the Academic Learning Center, which provides support to fellow students after reaching a high level of academic success. The floor is all yours, Junaid.
– Thanks, Alex. And greetings, everyone. There’s a common cliche with mechanical engineers and still being in their Hot Wheels phase. This is certainly true for me, and Union has provided me with a stepping stone to obtain my education and work my way into the automotive industry. For a two year engineering degree, a lot of the courses emphasize a strong foundation in mathematics and sciences. After all, anything you build needs a strong base and Union provides an excellent curriculum to prepare you for the rigors of engineering. This isn’t always easy though, so you might need some help along the way. I sure did. I was a frequent visitor of the ALC, or Academic Learning Center, a free peer tutoring service offered by the college. They featured 65 plus programs and certificates. After my first semester, I became a tutor in the AOC and it was a transformative experience for me. I met a variety of new people while also improving my own skills in STEM subjects. One of the best parts of Union is the community. This is an environment of hard workers and go-getters. If you’re serious about your education, there are countless people who are willing to go the extra mile to ensure your success. On top of this, the faculty and staff are always prepared to push you to be your best self, academically, socially, and beyond. With the help of the wonderful people at Union, Kaplan, and my family, I’m proud to say that I’m now a Jack Kent Cook Foundation undergraduate transfer scholarship recipient. I’ll be receiving up to $55,000 a year to attend any institution of my choice and graduate debt free. That’s my story. Alex, back to you.
– In case you missed that, thanks to Junaid’s hard work and dedication, he’s attending any college or university of his choice for free. That is quite the achievement and he’s not the only winner from Union. Junaid is the sixth finalist selected for this prestigious scholarship. Absolutely amazing.