
Production Crew from ‘The College Tour’ Wraps Up Filming on WNMU Campus
The Beacon
UP to be featured in ‘The College Tour’
‘The College Tour’ features Northwest Florida State College on Amazon Prime
ABAC ‘College Tour’ episode debuts on Amazon Prime
Yahoo Finance
The College Tour Captures the Exciting Opportunities Awaiting All Students in Higher Education
The Daily News
The College Tour Captures the Exciting Opportunities Awaiting All Students in Higher Education
Quad-City Times
Amazon Prime TV series ‘The College Tour’ films episode on EICC
UT Dallas gets its shining moment on ‘The College Tour’
Eastern Iowa Community Colleges to be featured on TV show ‘The College Tour’
The Greenville Sun
Tusculum Students, Alumnus Share Experiences During ‘The College Tour’ Episode Filmed On Campus
WNMU campus to be featured in Amazon Prime show
AZ Central
The College Tour to air ASU episode, produced entirely in Spanish
Tusculum University
‘The College Tour’ To Film Tusculum University Episode Starting Monday
ASU News
New film features students sharing personal stories about their ASU success in Spanish
Amazon Prime Show Filming at St. Ben’s, St. John’s next week