First-Generation Students

Segment #5 from Kean University


It’s time to meet Maria. She’s an English major who moved to the United States from Bolivia as a child. Maria faced deep insecurities about being the first person in her family to go to college. In Kean’s programs, for first-generation college students, she connected with faculty and alumni mentors who helped her find her path. We’re ready for you, Maria.


– Thanks, Alex. Hi, everyone. Coming from Bolivia at just six years old with my family, I knew that the biggest challenge for me was going to be learning a new language. When I began my college search as an English inspiring major, Kean University became my top choice. As a first-generation student, the pressure to make your family proud is immense. That is why I needed a university that will not only help me achieve my goals, but would force the best version of Maria to come out. I can honestly tell you that one of my biggest insecurity, was whether I was even good enough for college because of my English. As a bilingual student, your mind would often think in Spanglish mode. And when you’re with a friend that is perfectly fine, but professional speaking, no bueno. Kean professors were key in helping me understand how to use those skills to my advantage. My professors would meet with me, give me advice, and help me become both a better student and a person. Kean University has amazing programs, especially in those moments where you are your own worst critic. The First-gen Mentorship Programs allow students like me connect with alumni mentors that have been through similar situation, but help you guide you in your own path. And every year Kean celebrates National First-Generation Day. The university’s even recognized as a first-gen forward institution by the center for first-generation student success. Obtaining my bachelor’s degree from Kean University has helped me in more ways that I could have hoped. I no longer feel judged by the world for who I am or where I come from. But because of all the knowledge I have gained through these years at Kean University, I feel prepared for whatever comes next. Thanks, Alex. Back to you.


– Your story is so inspiring, Maria. It took a lot of courage to overcome your fears and pursue a college education. It’s fortunate that you got support as a first-generation student at Kean to go for your college degree, and make your family proud. Now, you’re ready to take on the world.

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