Travelearn / Study Abroad

Segment #3 from Kean University


Now, introducing Tom. He’s an architecture major who knows firsthand about Kean’s exciting Study Abroad opportunities. Tom studied in Rome, Italy for a semester where he became immersed in Italian culture and experienced its renowned architecture. He also enjoyed meeting new people and participated in a design competition centered on renovating Rome’s abandoned buildings, Tom, you are up.


– Thanks, Alex. Ciao, everyone. Ever since I was a child, I’ve always wanted to visit Italy. When I found out about the Study Abroad program, I knew Kean University was the right fit for me. There are two non-negotiables when it comes to Kean’s incredible architecture program. All first year, students have to draw everything by hand, and every student spends a semester in Rome. Studying architecture in Italy is like being a kid in a candy store. Rome is one of the most influential cities to architecture. And being able to see everything that we’ve learned about in our history classes firsthand, was indescribable. My classmates and I were immersed in the culture, wandered the city, and even got to engage with the community. While we were there, we entered an ideas competition for our studio project to think of different ways we could turn abandoned buildings into housing facilities. It was incredible. Italy is not the only option. Kean offers over 50 Study Abroad programs that are open to all students. These programs span across Europe, Asia, South America, and beyond. And if that’s not enough, Kean is the only public university in the United States to have a full campus in China. The best part, is that there’s no extra cost of tuition to study at our Wenzhou-Kean Campus. And all classes are taught in English. My biggest takeaway from the four months I spent abroad, is having the ability to connect with people who aren’t like yourself. We live in a globalized world, and it’s so important to look outward and experience all that the world has to offer. That’s all for me. Back to you, Alex.


– Wow, Tom. Talk about an adventure of a lifetime. It sounds like great fun to experience other cultures while earning college credits in your major, through Kean’s over 50 Study Abroad programs. And studying at Kean’s campus in China for the same tuition is an unbelievable opportunity. Tom, you’re now a bonafide global citizen. Take care.

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