Global Mission

Segment #3 from Missouri Southern State University


For more than 25 years, Missouri Southern has been committed to its global mission, providing students with a wealth of opportunities to expand their global and cultural horizons. From annual themed semester activities, to study abroad opportunities, you can experience the history, art, music, cinema, and cuisine from well beyond the US border. You’ll find many international students furthering their education at MSSU. Students like Janna, a senior marketing and PR major from Finland. Janna, you’re up.

– , Alex. Hi, I’m Janna Hautala. I’m an international student from Lahti, Finland, from the land of thousand lakes. I came to Missouri Southern in 2018 on a track scholarship. When I first arrived in Joplin, I didn’t really know anyone or much about the university, the city or the region, but what I found was the school truly committed to the international experience. Not only for students coming here from overseas, but for everyone on campus. While I’m far away from my family, MSSU made me feel like I’m right at home. This is a very close knit campus where the faculty members know you by your name, which makes the university experience even more memorable. Volunteers from the campus and community partner with international students, by taking us to local and regional trips such as hiking, camping, ice skating, or trips to museums. Every fall, Missouri Southern celebrates a different country by 10 activities, including art, food, music, films, and lectures. Fall 2021 was the Japan semester. While I’ve been here, we also celebrated the Caribbean, the Oceania, and my favorite, the Nordic semester. Another major international team event is the World Music and Cuisine Festival held each spring. This community event offers a great variety of international music and a chance to sample food from around the world. No matter what part of the world you’re from, Missouri Southern is home away from home where you will make friendships that will last for a lifetime. Alex, with your travel experience, which country do you think MSSU should celebrate next fall semester?

– Janna, that is incredible. You all have an extensive list over broad opportunities, but I would love to throw out the country of South Africa, amazing people, rich cultures, and some natural beauty that is absolutely breathtaking. Janna, it’s great to hear that in addition to providing an international experience to the student body as a whole, Missouri Southern has embraced the students coming here from abroad, and making you feel right at home. The world music and cuisine festival sounds amazing, and we look forward to learning about which country or region you’ll be celebrating next fall. Take care.

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