Co-Creating Our Campus
Segment #9 from University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Next up is Kara who loved her undergrad experience so much she’s now back for her PhD in language, literacy and culture. Kara was pretty much born a Retriever. Most of her family went here. So she’s got a special perspective on why students are such an important part of UMBC history. Take it away, Kara.
– Thanks, Alex. My name is Kara Seidel and I come from a whole family of retrievers. Not only did both of my parents go here, but my brother went here and works here. You may know him as the Twitter guy from UMBC’s historic run in the NCAA men’s basketball tournament. After graduating as valedictorian of my class, I went on to do my masters at another institution while working full-time. Now I’m UMBack as my family called it. I’m currently doing my PhD and it’s easy to see why people come back like I did and why I missed it. Students have quite literally shaped UMBC’s history from the design of campus and how our pathways are literally paved based on where students walked to intellectually and how students dedicate and foster spaces for collaboration and democracy. We now have a Center for Democracy and Student Life created by UMBC staff who are also alum. The center engages students from all major colleges on campus. And it all started from ask from a classroom discussion. After doing my master somewhere else, I realized an even more profound level of appreciation for the student-centered culture at UMBC. Though I started my doctorate during the pandemic, there were still numerous ways for students to collaborate and stay involved. A fellow student and I formed a Graduate Student Success Committee for the Graduates Student Association, dedicated to student wellbeing. As a campus community, we center student voice in a way that empowers co-creation from students all the way up through administrators. And that’s one of the many reasons why I love it here, back to you, Alex.
– Wow, Kara, that’s true Retriever spirit. I loved hearing about your journey and how cool is it that students have literally designed elements of UMBC over the years, that is just amazing. Best of luck with studies Kara, well done.