
Segment #3 from Carson-Newman University


Okay. So it’s not every day. You find a student who basically grew up on campus, but for education major Emma, Carson-Newman is truly a family affair. Emma had lots of choices of where to go to college, but she shares that she made the right decision, choosing Carson-Newman. Emma, it’s all yours.


– Thanks for the introduction, Alex, when I was looking at colleges, Carson-Newman always felt like home. I’m a third generation Carson-Newman student, and my younger sister is here as well. I grew up going to events like homecoming and football games with my family. As an education major, it’s really important to me to gain as much experience as possible before I set foot in my very own classroom. By the second semester of my freshman year, I was in three different classrooms, observing three different teachers at three different grade levels. Every single semester since then I’ve been in the classroom in some capacity, whether it be observing, actually getting the opportunity to teach a lesson or helping a student one-on-one. The professors in the Education Department truly invest in the lives of their students. I’ve been challenged in all of my classes to think about things through a Christian lens. As a student, the knowledge that my professors are constantly praying over me is both a blessing and a comfort. They genuinely teach by example by treating us the same way they expect us to treat our future students. My faculty advisor has been an incredible mentor to me from the moment I set foot on campus. I would consider her more of a best friend than a professor. And honestly, we make it a point to go to lunch pretty regularly. In addition to undergraduate degrees, Carson-Newman’s Education Program also offers Master’s and Doctoral degrees. Both of these programs are made for working people. Both programs are also well-regarded in the area and incredibly popular. As a matter of fact, Carson-Newman graduates have been named Tennessee teacher of the year for 2011, 2017, and 2019. I’m confident that Carson-Newman’s education program has prepared me for both the planned and the unplanned. My professors truly know what it takes to be a great educator, and it shows. Graduates of Carson-Newman’s Education Program are highly sought after and the vast majority of our teacher candidates have jobs by the time they graduate. That’s all for me. And back to you, Alex.


– Emma, what a great story. It’s obvious the Education Department is doing things right. Not only with Emma, but with the entire program. Three Tennessee teachers of the year in the last decade reflects the commitment to excellence for the Education Program. Congrats and thanks again, Emma.

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