Customize Your Experience with Cyrus

Segment #6 from Arizona State University


Let’s head over to the beautiful spot here on Campus in front of Old Main. Here we have Cyrus, who is a senior, and get this, is triple majoring in political science, history, and French with a minor in sustainability and public service and public policy, as well as certificates in cross-sector leadership and international studies. That is unbelievable. And he’s gonna talk to us about ASU’s customization and how students can design their own experience. Cyrus, the floor is all yours.

Thank you so much for that introduction, Alex. We are standing outside of Old Main, and a little fun fact for you. Teddy Roosevelt gave a speech right on those steps when I think Arizona was still a territory. So that’s some fun history that we get to live with every day here at ASU. I’m here to talk to you about my academic plan and how that has been generously supported through the university.

I have earned a full four-year scholarship to ASU through the Next Generation Service Corps. It’s a scholarship program that the university created in order to foster the next generation of public servants. It’s really been gratifying. I’ve fallen in love with things, fallen out of love with things, and really just gotten to experience the best that ASU has to offer.

I actually started with ASU as a political science major because I love politics, I’ve always loved politics, and I thought that was a really great way to learn the technical side of what politics and governance looks like. And then I’m also minoring in sustainability, and that is a minor that ASU just really makes accessible to every major, because the university believes that we should be talking about sustainability in all disciplines. We need to be factoring the planet into every single thing that we do as a university and also outside in the real world. And then also I added a public service public policy minor just to kind of round out that technical education, learning about tax policy and education policy and how they go hand in hand.

Something that I have taken full advantage of during my time here are A, B, and C session courses. A and B session courses are a thing where you can take a full semester’s worth of work in half the time. So you get the most out of your money and your time here at ASU. And there’s also C session courses, which is the more traditional class schedule, and ASU offers different ways to take these courses. So you can do entirely online, you can do in-person entirely with masks and social distancing, or you can do something called ASU Sync, where your professor is teaching in the classroom full-time and you’re watching at home on Zoom.

So I hope I haven’t painted you a picture that is just all school. I’ve done the fun internships. I’ve seen things inside and outside of the university. So I hope you give ASU a look if customizing your education and making it what you want is something that you value. Thank you so much for your time and back to you, Alex.

Cyrus, thank you for sharing that. The customization available here at Arizona State University is awesome. That was fantastic, thanks again. Cheers, Cyrus.

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