Undergraduate Research with Lily

Segment #9 from Lubbock Christian University


Did you know that the peanuts that go into your favorite brands are researched right here? And that type of research is typically done by graduate students. Meet Lily. A senior Biochemistry major is gonna tell us how her passion for scientific research came to life, alongside faculty mentors in LCU’s stellar College of Science and Health Professions. Lily, the stage is yours.

– Thanks, Alex. When I was deciding on a university, it was important to me to be surrounded by faculty, who would take a vested interest in my growth and help expose me to opportunities to perform scientific research. Normally, research at the caliber I’m talking about, happens at the graduate level, but Lubbock Christian University’s commit to undergraduate research and the student experience has opened incredible opportunities for me and I found my passion. I absolutely love lab work.

– [Student] That was good.

– My professors have been amazing mentors to me. They have provided me with hands-on, creative and innovative experiences that have taught me so much and I’m encouraged to ask questions and seek out truth. The investment that LCU professors have made in me, has been a game changer. Their support and guidance have been a great source of encouragement for me. As an undergraduate researcher at LCU’s biochemical research lab, I’ve had the opportunity to work on my first research paper, attend a national conference for the American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and now that I’m a senior, I’m researching the kinetics of the iodine clock reaction for my capstone project. Being involved with undergraduate research in the chemistry department has exceeded my expectations. The cutting edge research experience I’ve gained at LCU has given me a competitive advantage, as I apply to graduate schools to continue my education in chemistry. My professors have pushed me to become better and I see how they are personally invested in me and my success. They have given so much of themselves to help prepare me for graduate school and ultimately my career. That has been one of the biggest highlights of my time at LCU and it has truly been life changing for me. Back to you, Alex.

– How inspiring, Lily. What incredible undergraduate research opportunities and tremendous support from LCU faculty. Imagine what you could discover, participating in real world research that benefits the community alongside faculty that are dedicated to helping you engage in groundbreaking research, truly inspiring. Thanks again.

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