Manufacturing Programs with Ivy

Segment #4 from Ogden-Weber Technical College


We can’t wait for you to meet Ivy, a Non-Destructive Inspection student from right here in Ogden. The NDI program is housed at OTECH’s satellite campus located in the heart of Business Depot Ogden. Northern Utah is a major manufacturing, aerospace, and defense hub, and non-destructive inspection is critical to the success of these industries. Ivy, over to you.

– Hey, thanks for the intro, Alex. After graduating high school, I didn’t really know if I wanted to go to college, and I definitely didn’t want that student debt that came with it. So I took a gap year, moved to California, and helped there build a ghost town, and it’s there that I realized, I wanted a career in the trades. After that happened, I was almost instantly drawn to Ogden-Weber Technical College. The biggest selling points for me were how flexible and affordable OTECH is. But the cherry on top is definitely their impeccable manufacturing programs. Being a woman in the trades can be a little daunting at times. I was told once by a company that I was too feminine for this type of work, so I took that rejection and turned it into motivation. Starting out, I had no idea what non-destructive inspection or NDI was. Now I like to think of it as the hidden gem in the world of trades. And OTECH is one of only two schools in Utah to offer it. I’m learning to inspect and evaluate materials, components, and assemblies from a wide range of industries without destroying or compromising their structural integrity. Out of all the amazing things about OTECH, it’s the people who dedicate their lives to helping others grow that are truly the highlight. I’ve had overwhelming help and support from the staff and my instructors. OTECH doesn’t just offer education, it offers community and opportunities to grow in every aspect of life. With all the hands-on learning, I already feel beyond prepared for the future. OTECH connects their graduates with top-notch employers. The best thing about the trades is they’re what literally makes the world go round, so the career opportunities are endless. As for me, I’m meeting myself in the aerospace industry. Back to you, Alex

– Ivy, it sounds like an aerospace company is going to be very lucky to have you, and you’re right about those endless opportunities. Every program OTECH offers is driven by employers, which is why 99% of graduates find a job directly related to their education. Incredible. Cheers, Ivy.

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