Always a Tiger

Segment #19 from University of Missouri


Okay, everyone, let’s meet up with Josh, a recent Mizzou graduate who now works in television production and programming out in LA. Josh is back on campus to share what life after graduation is like and how Mizzou gave him the tools he needed to launch his career. Josh, welcome to the show.

Thanks, Alex. Hi there. I’m back in my alma mater today to tell you why I chose the University of Missouri and about all the amazing people and programs at Mizzou that helped me find success after graduation. I knew I wanted to work in television and entertainment since I was in kindergarten, but growing up far from cities like New York or Los Angeles, I felt I would be at a disadvantage when it came to starting my career. However, after gaining experience with video and audio production, public relations, and advertising at Mizzou, I had the confidence and skills to succeed at what I love. Since graduating, I’ve moved to LA and am living the dream, working in television production and programming. Beyond the classroom, Mizzou gave me the opportunity to join several organizations to hone my professional and networking skills alongside fellow students and Mizzou alumni from across the country. Something you don’t always get to do in a lecture hall. We all know that being ready for a job and actually finding a job are two very different things. Before graduation, it was actually one of my professors who helped me land my first job in the entertainment industry. He introduced me to a Mizzou alum who was working at a major motion picture studio who used her network to connect me with potential employers from across the entertainment industry. What’s your dream? If there’s a company you want to work for or a city you want to live in after graduation, odds are Mizzou alumni are already there. My advice, reach out to them. When you choose Mizzou, you become part of a family and alumni network of over 350,000 Tigers who are always ready to help. It’s great to be home. Back to you, Alex.

Inspiring stuff, Josh. Great to see you finding success as you begin your career journey. It speaks to your hard work and to the education and experience you gained at Mizzou. It’s a fact, 95% of Mizzou May grads find successful career outcomes within just six months of graduation. You are an important part of that. Thanks again.

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