What XULA Has Done for Me

Segment #8 from Xavier University of Louisiana


Here to tell us about what XULA has done for him is Josiah, a sophomore sociology major who knew because of Xavier’s diverse learning and teaching environment, this was the place for him. Take it away, Josiah.

Thanks, Desi. I couldn’t have said it better myself. Hello to y’all out there. Since a young age, I knew that I wanted to pursue a higher education. I knew that I wanted to excel academically and experience my college in a new city therefore leading me to the illustrious Xavier University of Louisiana. My time at Xavier has been incredible. I was presented with so many opportunities and have met similar-minded people and built connections. Xavier instills the mentality of work hard, play harder and I continue to live by that. Being this is a predominantly STEM institution, Xavier still ensures that all majors get their shine. With dedicated faculty, real world experience and global research for the arts, humanities and social sciences, Xavier prepares students for a meaningful career and a purposeful life. Xavier is not one to shy away from assisting the what’s next. If you leave with anything, it’ll be with plans after college, job in interviews and internships, just to name a few. I can say that these past two years Xavier has shown me the keys to success. I’m a part of a proud heritage and I continue to be eager to learn more. College is an experience and is something that I am grateful to be in. I’m excited to continue my education at a higher level especially at the point that Xavier is at. I love my HBCU and will continue to utilize the many opportunities and benefits that Xavier has to offer. XULA out! Back to you Desi.

Work hard, play harder. I love it. Josiah, I can tell you are going to soar in your career. Thank you for sharing your story. 

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