Hands-On Learning

Segment #3 from Tarleton State University


Let’s chat with Madison. Madison is a senior Kinesiology major. She’ll tell us about her experience working directly with patients and how her time at Tarleton has prepared her for the next step after college. Madison, it’s all yours.


– Thanks for the introduction, Alex, and hello everyone. Being a fourth generation Tarleton Texan, I knew I wanted to get as much out of my time at Tarleton as possible. Tarleton has helped prepare me for my future career as a healthcare professional through hands-on learning experiences. Tarleton really stands out with its emphasis on hands-on learning. Across all majors, students get real world experiences as a part of their degree program. As a Kinesiology major, our hands-on models and Anatomage Tables enable us to study in depth. Our classes incorporate a lecture and lab model where we learn the material and the procedure and then have the chance to safely put it into practice using equipment in class. The Kinesiology Lab is another great resource as it provides the opportunity to gain experience with real people who come into the clinic. An observational internship is also incorporated into our degree plan to give us clinical experience in our career setting, which is a huge asset when it comes to applying for secondary programs and jobs. More examples include our year long Teacher Residency Programs, the Tarleton Agricultural Center’s working farm, the Phage Lab where students get to research viruses, and our broadcast journalism studio where students get true to career experience in news production. These experiences prepare Tarleton students for success beyond graduation and into their career. Our professors also do their very best to ensure that we succeed. Through all of these experiences, I’ve learned what professionalism looks like and what it takes to become a good student and clinician. After graduation, I plan to attend chiropractic school and specialize in working with children or athletes. I can’t wait to give back to my future community all of the skills, compassion, and resources that I’ve been given at my time at Tarleton. Well, that’s my story. Back to you, Alex.


– Madison, thanks for telling us all about the different opportunities to get hands-on experience, both in Kinesiology and across campus. It’s clear, Tarleton students are ready to succeed in any career field.

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