Doctor of Occupational Therapy and Professional Studies

Segment #7 from Western New England University


Let’s switch gears to the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. We’re gonna hear from Richard, who is a student in the Doctor of Occupational Therapy Program, which is just one of the professional programs at this national university, which also includes a doctor of pharmacy program and a school of law. You’ll learn about how he is preparing to be a healthcare leader and how his well-rounded education allows him to collaborate with other professional students. Over to you, Richard.


– Thanks Alex. So growing up, I always knew I wanted to be a part of the health field. From my previous experience working with patients at my local hospital, coaching youth soccer and volunteering with kids with disabilities, it was clear to me that helping people and healthcare was a passion of mine. A career and occupational therapy fits to build perfectly. OTs help people of all agents who are sick, injured, or with disabilities participate fully in life. Pursuing my doctorate in occupational therapy at Western New England University has been the perfect choice for me because I feel connected on campus through my academics and social life, and I feel as if I’m growing as a professional and healthcare leader each day. The WNE Occupational Therapy Program provides applied learning in realistic environments to students through three clinical laboratories in the off campus health and wellness house. The program allows students to engage with the local community by observing and participating in patient care activities during our level one field work. For students who want to get a head start into the occupational therapy career, our undergrad three plus three OTD health science majors offers students the academic foundation they need and a direct path to transition seamlessly into the professional phase of the Doctor of Occupational Therapy program. Our OTD program provides an inclusive and collaborative environment that allows us to team up with other professional programs such as engineering, pharmacy, and law. The program equips us with research evidence and policy perspectives necessary to be leaders in the global healthcare workforce. Occupational therapy is a growing and evolving healthcare profession. My colleague experience has been unique and enriching so far. I’ve learned to work hard in the classroom, enjoy the journey while pursuing my dreams. That’s all from me, Alex, take it back.


– Wow Richard, all of that real world experience means that you’ll be ready to practice as an occupational therapist before you know it. WNE makes it so easy for its graduates to transition into professional studies. We all know you’ll provide the best care possible for your future patients, and we all appreciate that. Take care.

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