Student Life and the Adams Experience

Segment #8 from Adams State University


Adams State started out as a teacher’s college 100 years ago, and it’s still a great place to become an educator. Just ask Rebecca, who started her senior year as a theater and education major. Take it away, Rebecca.


– Thanks for that introduction, Alex. Hi, y’all, I’ve always loved theater. Throughout high school, I had amazing educators that expanded my outlook, and I wanted to follow in their footsteps. So I started looking for a degree that would allow me to pursue my passion for theater and my inspiration to teach. For those wanting to teach, Adams State offers a unique degree that allows you to take both English and theater classes. With a BA in theater, secondary English licensure degree, our graduates are fully qualified to teach both English and theater. And 100% of our graduates have found employment as teachers. I discovered a life-changing program that I grew to love over the next four years. Beginning in my first year, I was already able to apply to design for productions. Meanwhile, I flourished in my classes because of 16-to-one student faculty ratio. I’ve developed lifelong connections with my professors on campus. And I’ve been involved in all kinds of events. The theater program is where I’ve spent most of my time on campus, but I spent plenty of time studying in our Nielsen Library private study rooms. Adams State University offers dedicated student support. We have the same resources that larger universities offer but without the extreme competition or price tag. I have found so much support during my time here, and I feel truly cared for by every person I’ve interacted with. Adams offers affordable tuition, outstanding scholarship opportunities, and a high-quality education, all in the beautiful San Luis Valley. Thanks to my time at Adams State University, I am prepared to become an educator and theater artist. Not only do I know that I am capable of doing anything, I now know more about myself and how I want to impact the world. That’s my story. Back to you, Alex.


– Thank you, Rebecca. Sounds like you’re having a great time on campus with its state-of-the-art theater, great professors, and fellow students and activities who contribute to your college experience. Adams State helps your personal growth as well as your academic success. Good luck, Rebecca.

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